Reservoir Engineering Fundamentals Course

Dave Anderson

This is an introductory level technical course, designed to provide an overview of useful oil and gas reservoir properties, how they are measured, and a thorough conceptual understanding of common reservoir engineering equations, methods and workflows. The course is designed for personnel who have a technical background and little to no reservoir engineering experience, such as new engineering grads as well as experienced technical professionals from adjacent disciplines (completions, operations and facilities engineers as well as geoscientists).Read more...

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Course contents

    Chapter 2 - Basic Fluid And Reservoir Properties

    2.01 - Composition, Density and Viscosity (16 min.)

    2.02 - Pressure, and Pressure Gradients (24 min.)

    2.03 - Real Gas Equation of State (17 min.)

    2.04 - Porosity (14 min.)

    2.05 - Permeability and Darcy's Law (20 min.)

    2.06 - Relative Permeability (23 min.)

    2.07 - Wettability and Capillary Pressure (30 min.)

    2.08 - Compressibility (20 min.)

    Chapter 3 - Hydrocarbon Recovery and Material Balance

    3.01 - Formation Volume Factor (19 min.)

    3.02 - Hydrocarbon Recovery (24 min.)

    3.03 - Phase Behavior of Hydrocarbons (30 min.)

    3.04 - Undersaturated Oil MBE (15 min.)

    3.05 - Gas MBE (17 min.)

    3.06 - General MBE (14 min.)

    Chapter 4 - Inflow Performance

    4.01 - Inflow Performance Relationship Concept (24 min.)

    4.02 - Depletion and Skin (26 min.)

    4.03 - IPR for Saturated Oil - Vogel (13 min.)

    4.04 - Gas Absolute Open Flow (AOF) (32 min.)

    4.05 - Tubing Performance and Lift Curves (16 min.)

    4.06 - Water Drive Reservoirs (30 min.)

    4.07 - Water and Gas Coning (13 min.)

    Chapter 5 - Pressure Transient Analysis

    5.01 - Referral To Well Testing Course (0 min.)

    Chapter 6 - Production Data Analysis and Forecasting

    6.01 - Production Data Analysis Overview (31 min.)

    6.02 - Pseudo-Steady-State (16 min.)

    6.03 - Constant Pressure Decline Curve - Part 1 (12 min.)

    6.03a - Constant Pressure Decline Curve - Part 2 (29 min.)

    6.04 - Constant Pressure Decline Curve for Gas - Part 1 (7 min.)

    6.04a - Constant Pressure Decline Curve for Gas - Part 2 (7 min.)

    6.05 - Rate Transient Analysis (26 min.)

    6.06 - Production Forecasting and Reserves (25 min.)

    Chapter 7 - Reservoir Modeling and Simulation

    7.01 - Diffusivity Equation (28 min.)

    7.02 - Dimensionless Variables and Type Curves (11 min.)

    7.03 - Analytical Solutions for Radial Flow (24 min.)

    7.03a - Build Analytical Model for Radial Flow in MS Excel (7 min.)

    7.04 - Analytical Solutions for Linear Flow (12 min.)

    7.04a - Build Analytical Model for Linear Flow in MS Excel (6 min.)

    7.05 - Practical Reservoir Modeling (24 min.)

    7.06 - Introduction To Numerical Models (31 min.)

    7.06a - Building a Simple Reservoir Simulator (28 min.)