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SAGA creates value for our Energy partner organizations by connecting people to the expertise they need when they need it, through our oil and gas training, and provides solutions to the problems associated with traditional training.
SAGA’s Subscription Service delivers innovative on-the-job training solutions for petrotechnicals, using best-in-class instructors, relevant content, and industry-leading custom-built software.
SAGA’s Consulting Service provides targeted, cost-effective solutions to our customers’ specific multi-disciplinary business problems.
SAGA’s News Service reports and disseminates relevant technical advancements from important industry conferences, symposia, and published technical literature using conference reviews, webinars, and interviews with technical experts.
Subscribe to our latest course Understanding Financial Statements
Check out our latest update on the Canadian CCUS Workshop Review - 2022
Find out about our SÖKKVABEKKR Conference and upcoming online events.
Our steering committee of industry leaders is creating a superior knowledge transfer experience in preparation for the next generation of unconventional reservoir development.
"The team at Saga is top tier and really understands the needs of our industry. I support them and their mission to transform petroleum subsurface education."
Prof., Dept. of Geoscience / Chemical & Petroleum Eng., Univ. of Calgary
Dir. of Tight Oil Consortium (TOC) & Unconventional Reservoirs of Western Canada (URAWC)
An important element of the Saga Wisdom movement is the creation of a culture and tribe of like-minded individuals - those who seek a better class of education and community.
The co-founders of Saga once all worked together at Fekete Associates where the mantras of 'never stop learning' and 'share your knowledge' were practiced on a daily basis. Although our careers took us in different directions, we all continued to follow these values.
We recognize how rewarding it can be to deliver knowledge to those who need and appreciate it and we are so excited to be building a platform and a community to fulfill the objective of oil and gas training at a scale none of us had previously imagined.