Sun Nov.17th to Tues Nov. 19th
SÖKKVABEKKR (Old Norse: [sɔk:wabek:r]; “treasure bank”) is Saga Wisdom’s annual technical conference, where knowledge and merriment are shared together in keeping with ancient Viking customs.


SÖKKVABEKKR is our annual technical conference focused on subsurface petroleum sciences and unconventional reservoirs. We’ve assembled an industry leading program committee and excellent speaker line-up who are excited to share their latest learnings and collaborate on industry best practices.

Saga Wisdom is a teaching and content company. Our mission is to provide a premium training experience for oil & gas technical professionals for the purpose of increasing real enterprise value for our subscribers. SÖKKVABEKKR is a unique opportunity for like-minded professionals to connect in person for excellent educational offerings and quality networking opportunities.

Program Outline

Our 2-day technical program on Mon. Nov.18 & Tue. Nov. 19, consists of 8 sessions, which will span a wide array of relevant hot topics presented by leaders of the operator, service and academic communities. Social activities are scheduled for Sun. Nov.17, for those guests able to arrive early.


Ray Ambrose

Senior VP (EP Energy)

Dave Anderson

Founder (Saga Wisdom)

Mark Bahorich

Founder (Q Engineering)

Travis Black

Reservoir Engineer Manager (Devon Energy)

Kevin Boone

Project Manager (Halliburton)

Aaron Burton

Account Manager (Core Laboratories)

Mathias Carlsen

PE Consultant | GM Americas (whitson)

Craig Cipolla

Sr. Completions Engineering Advisor (Hess Corporation)

Chris Clarkson

Professor and the Encana-AITF Chair in Unconventional Gas and Light Oil Research (University of Calgary)

Tyler Conner

Reservoir Engineering Advisor (OXY)

Tim Cook

Reservoir Engineering Manager (Apache)

David Craig

Owner (DFIT Pro)

Darcy Fairbrother

CRO (Saga Wisdom)

Nicole Frechette

Vice President, Light Oil Business Unit (Baytex Energy Corp.)

David Fulford

Senior Vice President of Engineering (EIV Resources)

Anangela Garcia Gonzalez

VP Corporate Engineering (Encino Energy)

Deven Gibbs

Reservoir Engineer (Rebellion Energy)

Kyle Haustveit

Manager of Devon Energy Ventures (Devon Energy)

Robert Hawkes

General Manager Canada (Abra Controls)

Logan Heffner

Vice President - Engineering (Rye Ridge Resources )

Ryan Howrish

Senior Reservoir Engineer (GeoSouthern Energy Corporation)

Michelle Huddleston

Senior Reservoir Engineer (Southwestern Energy)

Trent Jacobs

Digital Editor (Society of Petroleum Engineers International)

David Jones

Sr Resource Manager (Chesapeake Energy)

Dylan Lougheed

CEO (Saga Wisdom)

James MacDonald

VP Business Development (Inside Petroleum Inc.)

Warren MacPhail

Product Line Manager - Enhanced Recovery (NCS Multistage)

Lucas Martin

Director, Integrated Performance (Marathon Oil Corporation)

Tyler Micheli

Chief Engineer (Tap Rock Resources)

Jesse Powell

Business Development Manager at NCS Multistage (NCS Multistage)

Audrey Rasmussen

Director of Development (PETRONAS Canada)

Conor Ross

Associate (Goldman Sachs)

Orkhan Samandarli

Reservoir Engineering Supervisor (Pioneer Natural Resources)

Eric Schmelzl

VP Strategic Business (NCS Multistage)

Autumn Shannon

Reservoir Engineer (Marathon Oil)

Mukul Sharma

Professor (University of Texas at Austin)

Frederick (Rick) Stanley

General Manager - US (Kore-Optics)

Adam Staruiala

Geoscience Advisor (Cordax Evaluation Technologies)

Michael Sullivan

Petroleum Engineer (Chevron)

John Thompson

President (Saga Wisdom)

Darryl Tompkins

Chief Technology Officer (Revo Testing Technologies)



The inaugural event is being aptly held in St. Augustine, Florida – the oldest, continuously occupied settlement of European origin in the United States (circa 1565) with sunken treasure discovered off its banks.